Increased circularity in the packaging sector requires more recyclable materials, but also better sorting practices from consumers. But what influences certain consumer behaviours when it comes to waste sorting? What types of packaging and instructions promote or hinder circular behaviours? The CIAP’s Club for Sustainable Packaging Solutions addressed these questions hands-on: with a household waste analysis in the city of Solingen.
Household Waste Analysis in Solingen: Enhancing Better Sorting from a Consumer Perspective
What can garbage bins reveal about consumer waste sorting practices and underlying behaviours? How can such information be used to improve waste separation? Is behaviour change or a change in the product package design the best solution in a specific case? The Club for Sustainable Packaging Solutions, as part of CIAP (Consumer Insight Action Panel), conducted a household waste analysis in Solingen to shed new light on potential interventions for more sustainable practices in waste management.
Fostering Circular Behaviours in the Electronics Sector and Beyond
Looking for effective ways to enable circular behaviour change in the electronics, plastics and textile sectors? Then, the Consumer Insight Action Panel (CIAP) is the right framework. Through a hands-on collaboration process with businesses, start-ups, NGOs, researchers and European policy makers, CIAP aims to mobilise and support frontrunners in enabling circular behaviours.