With our video series, we want to share results and findings with as many companies as possible and encourage and enable them to package both sustainably and in a consumer-friendly way.
Watch our recorded webinar on Circular Packaging
Missed our Webinar on “Gemeinsam für zirkuläre Verpackungen” on 26th April 2022? Then watch our recorded webinar.
Watch our EU Circular Talk “Together for Circular Packaging”
You could not join us live on 5th April 2022? But you want to watch how we can stand “Together for Circular Packaging”? Then watch our recorded webinar.
Join Our EU Circular Talk “Together for Circular Packaging” on 5 April 2022!
Demands on packaging are increasing: it should be protective, stackable, informative but also practical, attractive and circular. To fulfil these requirements, consumers should be taken on board. That’s why understanding their behaviour is crucial, also in order to understand how behavioural challenges can be overcome.
Our Packaging Club Releases Paper on Separating and Sorting Cues: Are They Effective?
Do you know which packaging belongs in which bin? What if packaging consists of different materials? Retailers and producers are increasingly using separation and sorting cues to help consumers dispose of waste correctly and ensure high-quality material recycling. In a new study conducted together with the Berlin-based Verbraucher Initiative, the CSCP tested consumer awareness regarding such information strategies.
11 Policy Recommendations to Engage Consumers in Closing Packaging Loops
Many consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about the environmental impacts of (plastic) packaging. For just as many, the range of options between avoidance and recycling is a challenge. The scientific community as well as industry and non-governmental organisations are looking for ways to increase and optimise consumers involvement in packaging strategies. The cross-stakeholder German Club for Sustainable Packaging Solutions has formulated policy recommendations to help close packaging loops.